Brussels Business Coaching

Collective Intelligence – Professional Co-development – Leadership and management –
Co-development of vision – Relational communication – Confidence and motivation

Team Coaching

We refer to Team Building as coaching a team to make it more efficient in terms of operability (operations), more cohesive and consistent in terms of results (control) and more competent (Training). We often integrate these three facets through long-term support. The process helps teams co-build the solution, develop its Collective Intelligence and autonomy.

- Operational work : building a shared vision, preparation of a draft, decision making, developing a working method ...

- Training : sharing techniques, providing information or concepts, ...

- Control : Conflict resolution and prevention, modes of communication, relationship management, implementation of rules, ... 

To do this, the essence of our coaching is through the implementation of collective intelligence.

Collective intelligence
This collective intelligence work can be achieved with a small group (executive committee) or with all staff members of the company.
For this work, we invite participants to develop a shared vision (work on macro-skills, etc.). It is through the combination of individual coaching, team building and organizational development around this vision that collective intelligence will emerge. Together, this allows each participant to become an agent of change and to find meaning in each of their undertakings.
